We recognize that success in the arts is being redefined in the 21st century, and that the skills needed to be a successful artist extend beyond the studio, stage, and performance hall. An innovative mind, an entrepreneurial spirit, and a passion for the arts are all essential for success. These principles are not just exclusive to artists, but serve all students well, no matter where their career leads them.

The LEAP Institute for the Arts not only provides on campus and online students the professional resources they need to become more marketable, but will let students and professionals explore other career opportunities in the creative sector, including arts administration, jobs in mainstream entertainment, and opportunities in creative industries and beyond. The curriculum provides leadership and advocacy training that will allow students to be informed of issues in the arts and make a difference in their community. The Institute will launch artists into the community, thereby building an even stronger arts community in Fort Collins, Northern Colo. and nationwide.

The LEAP Institute for the Arts  delivers high quality training from a world-class University, provides practical, hands-on experience in the field of the arts, enhances the quality of life in the community, and opens vistas to new ideas and collaborations that have yet to be discovered.